Using the SDK in your projects

Newest version of the SDK is regularly uploaded to both Maven Central and JCenter. You can add the SDK to your Android project by including the following dependency in your pom.xml:


or if you are using Gradle:

compile 'com.scarabresearch:predictsdk:1.0.1'


You can find the generated Javadoc here

Demo application

There is a demo application showing how to use the various SDK features. In order to build it, first download the source code from GitHub:

git clone

You can build the demo application either from Android Studio (at least version 2) or directly using Gradle. In the former case, simply open the project and select Run 'app' from the Run menu. In the latter, issue the following command:

gradlew assembleRelease

(assuming that the sdk.dir property in the file is set correctly). The apk file is generated in the app/build/outputs/apk directory. To install it into a device connected via USB, run

adb -d install <apk-file>

where <apk-file> is the path to the generated apk file.

Building the SDK from source

Download the source code from the GitHub repository:

git clone

You can build the SDK from Android Studio (using version 2 or later) by opening the project, and then selecting Make Project from the Build menu. The generated aar file is placed in the predictsdk/build/output/aar directory, and the jar file in predictsdk/build/libs.

When using Gradle, issue the following command:

gradlew build

(assuming that the sdk.dir property in the file is set correctly). The generated aar file is placed in the predictsdk/build/output/aar directory, and the jar file in predictsdk/build/libs.